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SHC Petroleum Equipment (Beijing) Inc. (formerly known as SHC Petroleum Equipment (Beijing) Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as SHC), established in 1998, has more than 20-years experience for designing and fabricating skid mounted equipments both onshore and offshore in oil and gas industry.
HKIRST OIL&GAS EPC DMCC is a subsidiary of SHC Petroleum Equipment (Beijing) Inc. located in UAE. The main purpose is to develop oil and gas business in Middle East area including oilfield & natural gas equipment & spare parts trading and the related maintains and training services.
SHC supports total process needs in the oil & gas industry. SHC will be responsible for:
 Ø Project management
 Ø Front-end design and process development
 Ø Detailed design and engineering
 Ø Sourcing and procurement
 Ø Supply of manufactured and fabricated equipment
 Ø Assembly and testing
 Ø Erection supervision and commissioning
 Ø Start-up assistance and operator training
Custom-designed skid mounted of the following packages ranging from: 
 Ø Natural Gas Processing Package
 Ø Chemical Injection Package
 Ø Instrument Air Compressor Package
 Ø Nitrogen Generator Package
 Ø Type of Separator products: metering separator, production test skid, 3-phase separator,
Sand Trap Skid, electric dehydrator & desalter package
 Ø Produced Water Treatment
 Ø Pig Launcher and Receiver Package
 Ø Oil gathering manifold package
 Ø Heat Exchangers Package
 Ø ASME “U” Stamp Vessel/ Tank
 Ø Water Bath Heater/Thermal Oil Heater
 Ø Fuel Gas Filter / Gas Filter Separator
SHC has already provided thousands of equipments and services with high quality all over the world including USA, Brazil, Algeria, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Norway, Qatar, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, and Syria, etc. Most customers are world leading oil and gas companies, such as CNPC, Sinopec, CNOOC, MODEC, PDOC, and PROSAFE, etc.
SHC views its core skill as that of application engineering in the area of Pressure Vessel, Skid and Modular process systems with specific focus on Onshore and Offshore, complete package design & engineering for the same systems and finally our ability to execute any of these projects in any part of the world. We are prepared to partner on a local basis to provide customer an end to end process and compression solution.

SHC Petroleum Equipment (Beijing) Inc.  ||  Beijing ICP No.19055893-1   ||   Contact Us